Weekly Must-Reads: May 2

A list of the great articles from around the web that I have read from April 25 – May 2, 2010.  This week’s topics include: Governance & Strategy; Social Media & Internet -> Fundraising; Social Media & Internet -> How-To Tips; Potpourri.

This weeks saw a lot of articles on social media and internet.  I’ve tried to break them down into two categories for easier skimming.  I hope it’s helpful.

Tizku Lemitvot,

Shuey (@nonprofitbanker)


Governance & Strategy

Your NPO filed necessary tax forms? >> 1/4 of NPOs in USA Could Lose Tax Breaks http://ow.ly/1CJ77 >> Deadline May 15!

RT @eJPhil: New Post: Consumer Trends Nonprofits Should Know http://ow.ly/1EsdK

Lacking Moses, @joewaters asks readers to help him hone his “10 Commandments of Cause Marketing” http://bit.ly/nQco0 via @johnhaydon

Does Cause Marketing actually help causes? by @aeikenberry http://ow.ly/1CK99 via @HildyGottlieb // @coby_shuman @joewaters @johnhaydon


Social Media & Internet >> Fundraising

RT @nonprofitorgs: 4 Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Reconsider Facebook (& not use it). http://bit.ly/dakZwg

Great example why NPOs should be listening >> Why the American Red Cross Listens Online by @askdebra http://ow.ly/1CKXr

The Emerging Opportunities for Smart Fundraisers to Use Smart Phones http://ow.ly/1D13x (the ideas start about half way through the post)

Ken Berger, CEO of @CharityNav, talks about Haiti efforts. Are we seeing donor fatigue? (3 min VIDEO) http://ow.ly/1DmrG

RT @kanter: $20,000 in 6 days: Lessons from Causes Fundraiser for the Humane Society Seal Fundraiser http://ow.ly/1DmB8

RT @miriamschwab: Making Gov’ Accessible: Microsoft Intros Social Media Directory 4 State/Local Gov’ http://ow.ly/1E2YS

Katya Andresen, Network For Good CEO, interviewed re: online fundraising (VIDEO) http://ow.ly/1Es96 — 3 min well spent!

Why I Like the Like Button: Spreading Nonprofit Messages, by @askdebrahttp://ow.ly/1FUOe >> complete with screen shots & important links


Social Media & Internet >> How-To Tips

RT @askdebra: Great 4sq article! RT@scottpirohttp://vuc.li/cbaCQP Good tips for the old and new here

RT @nonprofitorgs: RT @googlewave Have you seen our new Google Wave Getting Started Guide? http://bit.ly/bNHL4C

RT @HilzFuld: 5 Steps to an Optimized LinkedIn Profile http://bit.ly/aejJc7 on@HubSpot via @TechZader



FUNNY! (I promise) RT @askdebra: Jon Stewart slams Apple over handling of Gizmodo & lost iPhone http://ow.ly/1F4fp via @techmama @Gizmodo

RT @CharlieKalech: ‘Lost’ iPhone’s Bizarre Twists And Turns – Interesting Questions Raised: Forbes http://bit.ly/ct6Eo8

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