Weekly Roundup: March 6

Links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter between February 28 – March 6, 2011.  This week’s topics include:  U.S. Regulations  •  Israel  •  Strategy & Governance •  Fundraising & Marketing  •  Social Media & Internet

You can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



Board Meeting Minutes: always keep in mind who will be reading them, by Nonprofitlawyer http://ow.ly/1s6tLx via GTak (great ideas regardless of the country)

DonKramer: If a donor relocates to dif state, do you need to register to solicit in that state? http://ow.ly/1s5F0B // often overlooked!

DonKramer: Does the law exempt churches from disclosing their finances, salaries? http://ow.ly/1s6y4u // “churches” of any religion

DonKramer: A nonprofit receives a store gift card as a donation. How to treat it on income statement/balance sheet? http://ow.ly/1s6Mgz

IRSnews: You may be eligible for 1 or more of these valuable IRS tax credits http://ow.ly/1s6O6G via IndSector


Last week’s interest rate hike could be re first of many if certain market conditions aren’t met http://ow.ly/45jBC


4 questions to help decide the best legal structure for a new nonprofit (by Benetechhttp://ow.ly/1s7TLy via P2173

MarionConway: From a Foundation Perspective – What Makes An Effective Nonprofit? http://ow.ly/1s6MwQ via Npmaven


GailPerrync: Where will the money come from? My Golden Rules for Identifying Donor Prospects http://ow.ly/42jWt

Weigh in: semantics or 2 truly dif approaches? “Investment Approach to Philanthropy” by Tactphil http://ow.ly/1s7Qm6

IndSector: Value of a volunteer hr in Texas is $21.47. What is it in your state? http://ow.ly/1s7KPp

Thoughtful piece on how new Gen defines adulthood. Gr8 for understanding young donors. (by RosettaThurmanhttp://ow.ly/1s7Lya

Augieray & Jer979: 6 Marketing Lessons From A Hollywood Movie Producer http://ow.ly/1s6y24


Comprehensive list of tools to help you go “officeless” http://ow.ly/1s5Qgf via NAFund & Practicalecomm & NetSuiteorg

AlisonRapping & NonprofitMediaW: Great list! 22 Hot New Social Media Tools http://ow.ly/1s6M1P via Rjleaman & CindyKing

Very. Good. Advice. Augieray: Gmail Failure Shows Danger Of Becoming Too Cloud-Dependent http://ow.ly/1s6O47

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