America has a long history of positive social change affected through the initiatives of private individuals and foundations. These nongovernmental institutions have been succesful because of their greatest weapon, independence. An article that was recently forwarded to me in The Commentary Magazine entitled, “The War on Philanthropy”, by David Billet, argues that this autonomy is under fire.
Tag Archive for Nonprofit
Understanding Credit in Israel, Pt 1: Types of Credit
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
It is logical to assume that if a bank wants to appeal to the nonprofit community then it has to understand the nonprofit organization’s way of thinking (that’s where I come in). The opposite should also be true. If a charitable institution wants to appeal to a bank then it must understand the bank’s way of thinking. This is especially the case when using or applying for credit from a bank.
The First Impression: Expect the Unexpected
by NonProfitBanker • • 1 Comment
Isn’t it amazing that the meeting we have the most often is the one that we are least prepared for? We dress up in our best and spend hours preaching to the couch in hopes of nailing that “really big”…
Opening a “Nonprofit” Bank Account in Israel
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
While there are some exceptions, many banks in Israel give nonprofit organizations the run around when they try to open a bank account. The reason the banks do this, to put it bluntly, is because they don’t want you as…
The Economic Downturn: 15 Questions Trustees Need to Ask
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
I recently came across an article on the UK Charity Commission website entitled “The Economic Downturn: 15 Questions Trustees Need to Ask” and was very impressed by its comprehensiveness. The questions in the article cover four main areas: Strategy, Financial Health, Governance, and Resource Usage