The Weekly Balance Sheet: July 5

A list of the great articles I’ve read and posted to Twitter from June 27 – July 3, 2010. This week’s topics include: Strategy & Governance; Social Media, Internet & Fundraising; Economy & Finance; and Jewish & Israeli (Nonprofit) News.

Tizku Lemitzvot,


Strategy & Governance

“Young Leaders Pushing For Seat At Table”
Tamar Snyder
Site: The Jewish Week
Via: eJewish Philanthropy
Comments: Only 2% of nonprofit board members are under-30. Young people are pushing to find seats.


  • “Getting Results: Outputs, Outcomes & Impact” Always keep in mind that donors relate to MEASURED outputs of Outcomes & Impact. Link: (via @AlisonRapping@Grants_Pratt @tactphil)
  • “Homeland Security Scrutinizing New Nonprofits: What Can We Expect & How Can We Adjust” Nonprofits applying for tax-exempt status in the United States have an additional hurdle to overcome. Link:
  • “Is Israel’s 3rd Sector Filled With Amateurs?” Nonprofits should note that the sector is changing. Good take-home points at the end of the post. Link: (via @eshanken @eJPhil)
  • “Avi Chai in Sunset: An Ongoing Case Study” The Avi Chai Foundation is documenting its spend-down process so others can learn from this rare event in the nonprofit sector.  The first of the Foundation’s reports are available here.  Link: via @eJPhil

Social Media, Internet & Fundraising

“What Makes Up a Social Marketing Strategy?”
Via: Debra Askanase (@askdebra)
Comments: A study shows that while social media usage has increased, many companies still lack strategy or policy.


  • “The UK Emergency Budget’s Effect on Fundraising: Good, Bad and Imaginative” England’s mergency budget left a lot of questions, the least of which is, how does it affect nonprofits? Link: (via eJewish Philanthropy)
  • “The 6 R’s of Twitter” When using Twitter, always let these basics guide you. Link: (via @askdebra)
  • “How To: Evaluate Your Social Media Plan” It takes time, effort, and resources before this new media will have an impact on you brand.  Here are a few tips businesses should consider.  Link: (via @AlisonRapping @SocialNicole)

Economy & Finance

“Recovery Slows with Weak Job Creation in June”
Author: Michael Powell
Site: New York Times
Comment: Don’t expect donors to come running back just yet.  Job creation is the true sign to an end of a recession. Additionally, less jobs mean less paychecks, which mean less donations.


  • “Can Watching TV Make You Depressed about Your Financial Future?” A new Israeli study says, yes. Link:
  • “Stop Wasting Your Money on These 25 Things” Ways to cut down on everyday over-spending. Link:

Jewish & Israel (Nonprofit) News

“The Changing Rules of Fundraising for an Israeli Nonprofit”
Sari Revkin
Site: Contact Magazine
Via: eJewish Philanthropy
Comments: Strategies for Israeli nonprofit organizations to keep North American donors giving.


  • “Fischer Tells the Story of Israel 2010″ Bank of Israel Chief Stanley Fischer is upbeat for Israel in 2010. Says Europe Bloc will prevail (but Israel shouldn’t join). Link:
  • “Electric Co. Board Bans Borrowing” Israel Electric Company, one of the most solid investment options in Israel, enters a crisis and must issue bonds to repay debt. Link:
  • “Competition Between Credit Card Firms Rising, but Users Pay More” Consumers beware: While Israeli credit cards are competing fiercely, consumers are still faced with very high interest fees. Link:

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5 comments for “The Weekly Balance Sheet: July 5

  1. July 8, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    Shuey, how long does it take for you to put together these weekly posts? I get them by feedburner and they are great. I want to put together something similarly formatted, and would appreciate your perspective.

    • nonprofitbanker
      July 8, 2010 at 7:08 pm

      The previous format took me about 30 minutes. The new current format, labeled Weekly Balance Sheet take me about 1.5 to 2 hours. It’s longer than I would like.

      Right now I’m using and not If I switch, the more robust .org might shave some time off. Also, if I took the time every night to work on the post, instead of organizing and posting all in one night, it might make life easier, as well.

      As you can see, I’m still in the experimental stage. I’ll keep you updated.

      Thanks for checking in. Shabbat Shalom.


  2. July 10, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    ouch:-) I was afraid of that…
    I sent my first Weekly Roundup via Aweber yesterday, it was a real killer and probably came out far from nicely formatted…

    I wonder if making it a blog post like you do and sending that as the aweber broadcast would be better…

    we’ll see. Thanks! And again, thanks for the content:-)

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