Weekly Roundup: April 22

Here are links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter recently.  This week’s topics include: Israel Nonprofits • Finance for NPOs • Banking • Governance • Philanthropy & Fundraising • Corporate Culture

Hope everyone enjoyed their Spring holidays and vacations — now it’s back to work!

As always, you can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



Still as relevant as 4 yrs ago? >> Philanthropy in Israel: Overhaul or Be Marginalized, by Gidigrinstein ow.ly/1HFae6 on eJPhil


Weigh in >> Study: CEOs of Nonprofit Finances Suffer Knowledge Gaps ow.ly/9or5L vs New Study Misses the Mark ow.ly/9orhd


The Shrinking Bank Branch: How ATMs & tellers are looking more & more alike ow.ly/1L1agV

DID YOU KNOW? Goal of US banks today is not to give the perfect loan rather to approve the perfect loan file ow.ly/1L1t1O

Will Mobile Payments be Standard by 2020? Food for thought ow.ly/arqWX


Emilychan: IRS Study – Correlation Between Nonprofit Governance & Tax-Exempt Compliance flpbd.it/KO7tk


IndSector: Aw! >> YNPNChicago: 3rd-Graders Talk Philanthropy & George Peabody ow.ly/9eAo6 // Cute & inspiring. Powerful combo.

Fight back! >> How to Rebut Crazy Donor Demands, by Nedgington ow.ly/1KQcXp

B/c they pick up more than you realize: Talk 2 Your Kids about Charity, by Asinykin ow.ly/1Hsgaq via Smartgivers & NAFund

Wow! 6 yr old raises $10k thru lemonade stand for dad’s cancer treatments ow.ly/1KQc5q


Been meaning to give it a whirl >> Why I Luv Pinterest & Nonprofit Orgs Should Too ow.ly/ao4Tp by Nedgington

Social media is changing the way we create & get the News way, Askdebra ow.ly/1HHLCz on eJPhil // anyone can be a news creator!

GuyKawasaki: Entrepreneurs Are Getting Social Media Wrong ow.ly/1IeMr6 // & he thinks that Google+ is awesome so I’ll reconsider


Because profit & social change CAN coexist >> LawForChange: 5 books every CEO should read about CSR ow.ly/1HbWaI

Fantastic! >> Loopdesk: 5 Tips to Inspire Innovation at Your Small Business ow.ly/9jw1h

Sad but at least we can learn from them >> How Your Business Can Last Longer than a Twinkie ow.ly/9jwbp

Work 3.0: How Employment Model Needs to Change, by Garyswart ow.ly/1HMoqI // Volunteering too. Have we reached the tipping point?

5 Qualities of a Remarkable Boss, by JeffHayden ow.ly/9vtys

Here’s another good one, slightly off-beat >> 5 Leadership lessons from Captain Kirk, by TheAlexKnapp ow.ly/9vvK3

Good Leadership is Good Marketing, by Jocelynharmon ow.ly/1HEXQ1 via eJPhil



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