Weekly Roundup: July 14

Here are links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter recently. This week’s topics include: Funding & Impact • Strategy • Jewish & Israel Sectors • Board Development & Philanthropy • Misc

As always, you can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



Incredibly important in imerging field >> Aligning Interests in Impact Investing Innovation ow.ly/1Y5iWh by Danielizzo on SSIReview

Emilychan: 7 Elements for Mitigating Impact Risk & Increasing Potential flip.it/p9DoL by Cohenreport on npquarterly

Choosing not to invest in infrastructure: We Just Don’t Have the Money & other lies ow.ly/1Z3iPg by Billshore via NAFund

Comprehensive w good convo in comments >> Charity Raters Pt I: Charting the Bad & the Bad ow.ly/1YLeeH by Janmasaoka on Blueavocado

Always enjoy >> NAFund & LeapofReason: All overhead is not created equal ow.ly/1YJvb8 thoughts from KateSBarr

Great >> GTak & BuildnpcapacityJoannefritz explains how fiscal sponsorship works bit.ly/165bLFp feat comminitiatives active_voice

GTak talks Overhead Myth: “Thoughts from a Nonprofit Attorney” 


KenatSukis: Forget Mission Statements: What’s Your Mission Questions? Fastcodesign.com

Everything flows from your org knowing its primary role (1 of these 5) ow.ly/lN0ef on SSIReview ht GTak

Big fan of the Matrix Map. Author SpectrumSteve tells its Strategic Imperatives http://ow.ly/1Y59cl on BlueAvocado


A must read for all USA corps, for-profit & nonprofit, doing business on multiple States ow.ly/mONyk by Charitylawyer via Emilychan

LawForChange: Cautionary Tale: $22,000 In Charitable Donations Disallowed By The IRS ow.ly/1YL2by


MayaNorton: Many wonderful orgs working on behalf of Israel, especially in USA. Cautionary tale regarding giving smart nyti.ms/16DcMGS


Lets raise the bar >> Why a Board Should Raise 10% of It’s Nonprofit’s Budget http://ow.ly/1XFLBF  by Nedgington

So helpful, used it the same day I read it >> 10 ways to vitalize board committees ow.ly/1YtnF0 by NpMaven via GTak

Amen >> 3 Things Philanthropists Can Do To Move Nonprofit Orgs Forward http://ow.ly/1XXchs by Nedgington

Nice discussion of both sides: Give from your heart or your head? ow.ly/1YhXGN by SullivanPaul on nytimes via TonyMartignetti


SSIReview: The nonprofitization of business: 2 areas where business can learn from nonprofits ow.ly/1YIkHM by Kenscommentary & Jeremycv

How can I not read a conversation btwn 2 industry leaders? >>3 Things I’ve (Bill Gates) Learned From Warren Buffett http://ow.ly/m6Gru via LinkedIn

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