Weekly Roundup: March 27

Links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter between March 7 – 13, 2011.  This week’s topics include:  Donating to Japan  •  U.S. Regulations  •  Israel & Jewish Sector  •  Strategy & Governance  •  Budgeting  •  Fundraising  •  Marketing  •  Social Media  •  Personal Finance  

This week’s a doozy because it includes last week’s, as well.  (I didn’t post last week because of the Jewish holiday of Purim.)  I’ve added a few more categories to make finding articles of interest a bit easier.

You can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



GuideStarUSA offers 6 good tips for people thinking of international relief efforts http://ow.ly/4h0lG

Wow, 256 comments so far! Do u agree? >> Pndblog & FelixReuters: Don’t donate money to Japan http://ow.ly/1sfrpc >> While the main point of this piece is noteworthy, I cannot agree with its recommendation of Doctors without Borders, a group which is virulently anti-Israel.


DonKramer: Can a pastor discuss politics at the pulpit or host political events? http://ow.ly/1saE6S

DonKramer: Can a nonprofit own a for-profit subsidiary taxed as a C Corp? http://ow.ly/1saJww

On Philanthropy: The important difference between hiding your donation from the public & from the IRS http://ow.ly/1sbsOL feat. interview with GTak

DonKramer: Does the IRS restrict nonprofit orgs to use donations only as donor intends? http://ow.ly/1sfr4s #Fundraising


Wow, this certainly inspired some response >> Marketing Israel Nonprofit Orgs to the Diaspora http://ow.ly/1sb6Ab on eJPhil // read the first 2 comments

Why management & fundraising for synagogues should resemble regular nonprofit orgs (on eJPhilhttp://ow.ly/1sdpYt


Study: Funders should share expertise & knowledge about their fields for bigger impact http://ow.ly/1sac8g via eJPhil

When & how should a nonprofit org set up a subsidiary for-profit company? (by Charitylawyerhttp://ow.ly/1saFag

State of Nonprofit Sector 2011 results are in. Nedgington provides great summary: http://ow.ly/4nkIr via GTak

“We analyze failure often, but successes rarely”: Dan Heath at the Nonprofit Technology Conference (on Philanthropyhttp://ow.ly/4nlxq via GTak

How nonprofit orgs can manage free-agents & vice versa http://ow.ly/1sb7YK Notes by Askdebra


NAFund: Nonprofits need to be realistic about “wear & tear” on building, tech & other assets 

Never take foundation support for granted (& how to react when the support disappears) http://ow.ly/1saiLf via eJPhil


Gaylegifford: 7 ways that fundraising can strengthen your nonprofit programs // it’s the journey that’s important

Seemabhende: Top 12 Online Fundraising Platforms for Donors & Nonprofit Orgs from Mashable http://ow.ly/1sb85B

NonProfitBanker: New post: “Fundraising as a Journey” http://ow.ly/1sbqAz

How to manage a volunteer led initiative to encourage more Board fundraising http://ow.ly/1sb7rm

Helpful, concrete tips >> Askdebra: Awesome: “How much money should your NPO be fundraising online?” by Jocelynharmon http://ow.ly/1sfr0q

Nonprofit Orgs That Invested in Fundraising Resources Were More Likely to See Increases in 2010 http://ow.ly/1sdTQh

Worth reading: Bill Gates on philanthropy, metrics, CSR http://ow.ly/4gonB via AuctionExpert & LJacobwith


3 mistakes nonprofit marketers should avoid http://ow.ly/4eO4W via Marcapitman, AuctionExpert & LJacobwith


Npquarterly Your social media and you. Tweet freely http://bit.ly/hOQh0f via GTak

5 things that really don’t work in email, by KatyaN4G http://ow.ly/1sag2G

Wild Apricot offers a convincing argument why your nonprofit organization should consider LinkedIn http://ow.ly/1sdsT8

No need to reinvent the wheel! >> Askdebra: 30 Facebook Pgs for inspiration & info, by Karvetski “BorrowNobly”

Recommended: Askdebra reflects on her NTC presentation “Integrating Social Media Into Your Website” http://ow.ly/1seasf



The 4 components of a personal financial plan (by Jon Degani, Shomer Shekalim) http://ow.ly/1sageh

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