Weekly Roundup: November 18

Here are links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter recently.  This week’s topics include: Israel Sector • U.S. Regulations • Funding • Strategy & Mission • Tech & Tools • Corporate Culture

As always, you can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



NonProfitBanker: Israel releases 10 Golden Rules for Donors – & Charities Should Study It Well ow.ly/1PrQJ9

Huge! Israel court declares sale of land by nonprofit orgs as taxable (HEB) ow.ly/1Ph3V7 on Zavit3

Israel to create database of details of private philanthropy in Israel (HEB) ow.ly/1PheWV on Zavit3

To prove impact of a nonprofit, focus on causation & not correlation ow.ly/1Phthn by SteveBoland on NAFund


DonKramer: Is it a conflict of interest for a nonprofit CEO to also serve on the board? ow.ly/1PzgEv // good food for thought


Nice description of MRIs & PRIs happening in Michigan. Is this a growing trend? ow.ly/1PiSq7 on NPQuarterly

Food 4 thought >> What is funder’s role in financing data analysis? ow.ly/1Predq on Kanter via Nedgington

Find measurement daunting? 3 traits that will lead you to success ow.ly/1PqQiR via Nedgington

Pay back charities instead of banks? >> 1 family’s use of crowd funding instead of a mortgage ow.ly/1PpeJx


Socialbrick: Successful collaboration is often short-lived effort w clearly defined goals ow.ly/1PqgmV

NonProfitBanker: Chahal, his BeProud campaign & 3 lesson from starting a Foundation ow.ly/fe6X8

Gimmick or successful biz strategy? >> NPQuarterly & LHasey: Online Bank Donates 2 Charity of New Clients’ Choice ow.ly/1PyYsW

For those card aficionados >> What nonprofit orgs can learn from poker, by SteveBoland ow.ly/fnAnW on NAFund

Johnhaydon: How Nonprofits Are Creating The Jobs Of The Future ow.ly/1PCcpB


5 ways for a nonprofit to avoid buying a database system that isn’t the right fit ow.ly/eVkCf on SSIReview

Increasingly important >> Phyllismufson & MeghanMBiro: 5 Rules for LinkedIn Recommendations goo.gl/1CIb1 via YouTernMark

Perfect for a 9pm bus ride >> VID: 3 Ways Google+ can drive donors to your website ow.ly/1PiXde // FYI, +1 button now called Share

Fundraisinisfun: You mean having a Facebook Page doesn’t automatically generate sales?! ow.ly/1PzrA1 // the pros of a strategy


Another straight-to-the-point beauty >> 7 changes for higher productivity ow.ly/1Pipm7 by IlyaNeverSleeps



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