I am extremely happy that since its birth in June 2009, the Nonprofit Banker site is now in its second iteration, continuing to provide charitable organizations and professionals with free information on a variety of subjects vital to all players in the nonprofit sector; such as banking, regulations, best practices, fundraising, terminology and more.
Please consider adding a link to this site to your blogroll and/or resources page.
I hope you enjoy the site and find it helpful. Thank you for visiting.
My Goals
It is my hope that this site will:
- Save organizations and donors precious time and money and avoid unnecessary hassles through highlighting current trends, tips, tools and regulations.
- Inspire and spark the right questions. It is only by asking the right questions that we force ourselves to grow.
- Increase the transparancy and accountability of organizations and donors, alike.
- Help organizations stay ahead of the curve vis-a-vis oversight and regulations. Adherence ahead of time can ensure the smooth running of the charity, avoiding fines, penalties and loss of public trust.
Please consult with your accountant, lawyer or financial advisor before acting on the ideas mentioned in this blog. Read read the full disclaimer to understand why.
Please contact me should you want to repost and article, ask a questions, or suggest a post topic.
How It All Got Started
Soon after starting my current position in May of 2009, I began to receive calls from organizations that I knew regarding banking and credit in Israel. It dawned on me that I had amassed a tremendous amount of knowledge about banking and its relationship to the nonprofit sector; I decided that a blog would be the best way to spread my experience and expertise to those that might need it the most.
Simultaniously, the need to create something unique in my field was pushing me to expand my interests beyond banking. Through the approximately 100 organizations and 30 nonpofit-supporting professionals I meet with a year and the 15 – 20 articles I review a week, I also keep a close watch on the tips, tools, trends, and regulations affecting the nonprofit sectors of Israel and America.
Thank You
This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense support of my wife. I was debating thanking my kids as well, but truth be told, they’re generally asleep when I’m working on the site.
To my three editors: my wife, Judi Srebro, and a friend who would like to remain anonymous.
For giving above-and-beyond of your expertise and advice: Charlie Kalech and Debra Askanase.
For your constructive comments and ideas: Eric Halivni, Dan Brown, Joel Katz, Arnie Draimon, Yossi Markovitz, Gidon Ariel, and countless others.
Nadine Wildmann of Meeple Communications who did the transfer, coding, and setup of this WordPress.org site. She made herself available in person and over the phone to really make sure the physical site matched my vision.
Debra Askanase of Community Organizer 2.0. She was a colleague and a friend long before I thought of upgrading my site. When I wanted to hire someone to evaluate my online presence, Debra was the only person I was willing to trust for the job.
Saving the best for last, Charlie Kalech of J-Town Productions Ltd. The concept and basic design of this site was the brain-child of a meeting I had with Charlie. He has shared and continues to share his experience and expertise, which I find to be always on-the-mark. He is the wind beneath my wings.