No, King Arthur hasn’t been reborn nor are we in Camelot. Heck, we’re not even in Kansas. What this is, though, is a serious attempt by the Israel Government and a number of foundations that operate in Israel to increase the cooperation, strength, and transparency of Israel’s nonprofit sector.
The Great Balancing Act: Public Offical or Social Innovator
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
For years we have been witnessing charitable institutions hiring business executives in order to increase fundraising or professionalize the organization. I remember the big news when the President of Columbia University, George Rupp, accepted the presidency of the International Relief Committee in 2002. Some of us alumni were bewildered by the move — leaving the private sector for the public sector, unheard of!?!? However, what seemed like an isolated incident then, was actually indicative of many nonprofit organizations.
But is the reverse true? Are the corporate and public sectors luring away nonprofit executives in the hope of improving their social standing and/or activities?
Updated Nihul Takin Released for Testing
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
Zavit Shalosh relates that the Rasham Ha’amutot [Israel's Registrar of Charities] released an updated version of the Nihul Takin on the Rasham’s website. Furthermore, the Rasham has invited all interested parties to email comments until September 30th.
Can my Israeli Nonprofit have a Credit Card?
by NonProfitBanker • • 1 Comment
But, alas, in Israel the answer is no…kind of. Cryptic, but true. That is to say that in my experience as a banker, I have both ordered credit cards for charities that wanted them and canceled credit cards for charities that were told it was “illegal” to have them.
The New Jersey Scandal, Pt. 3: The IRS Expected Response
by NonProfitBanker • • 4 Comments
The arrests of 44 individuals 3 mayors, 5 respected community rabbis, a score of government officials, and others on Thursday of last week (July 23) should highlight the dangers of organizations donating to international causes; and I guarantee you, the I.R.S. is having similar thoughts.
The New Jersey Scandal, Pt. 2: The Israel Fallout
by NonProfitBanker • • 1 Comment
Even before the dust settles in the States, Israel and her charities will already start to feel the effects from last week’s scandal.
The New Jersey Scandal, Pt. 1: The Facts
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
Last week (July 23) in New Jersey, an undercover police operation revealed a rainbow of criminal dealings. The implications of the scandal vis-à-vis charities are too vast and far-reaching to be dealt with in one post. Over the next day or two I will address the pertinent issues. Questions and comments are welcome.
Guidestar Arrives in Israel (and is looking for volunteers)
by NonProfitBanker • • 0 Comments
The website “Zavit Shalosh” [The Third Perspective] posted on their site yesterday (in Hebrew) that Guidestar has officially come to Israel. Currently, the Guidestar site is in its pilot stage and is inviting Israeli amutot [nonprofits] to participate.
Nonprofits' War of Independence
by NonProfitBanker • • 1 Comment
America has a long history of positive social change affected through the initiatives of private individuals and foundations. These nongovernmental institutions have been succesful because of their greatest weapon, independence. An article that was recently forwarded to me in The Commentary Magazine entitled, “The War on Philanthropy”, by David Billet, argues that this autonomy is under fire.