Weekly Roundup: December 2

Here are links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter recently.  This week’s topics include: U.S. Sector • Financial Leadership • Measurement & Impact • Governance & Strategy • Social Entrepreneurship • Corporate Culture • Social Media

As always, you can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



p2173: States will be critical next year incentivizing, tracking & regulating nonprofit sector ow.ly/1PR6pM

Nonprofit Corporations: 8 Items to Do By Year End ow.ly/1PFP8V by Charitylawyer // most apply no matter the country!


NonProfitbanker: Case Study: 9 Steps to Recovering from a 30% Deficit ow.ly/1PQOCZ

Frame this >> Executive Director’s Guide to Nonprofit Financial Leadership ow.ly/1PJUOs by KateSBarr & JeanneBellCP ht NAFund

Foundations Must Get Serious About Multi-Year Grantmaking ow.ly/1PMqmW on SSIReview // applicable to private donors as well

4 Times When A Nonprofit NEEDS a Strategic Plan, by Nedgington ow.ly/1PEtJe

Is “breaking even” the biggest barrier to nonprofit financial health? ow.ly/1PFiFx by KateSBarr on NAFund

6 ways a FINANCING plan DIFFERS from a FUNDRAISING plan ow.ly/frY1N from Nedgington

Links to plenty of resources >> Strategic & Business Planning 4 Nonprofit Orgs ow.ly/ftP2l on NatlCouncilNPs

Fresh, vital, relevant & healthy >> Sustainability: Not a myth, but not what u may think ow.ly/1PQbq1 by KateSBarr on NAFund

Critical article >> Nonprofit resilience relies on smarter grantmaking, by J McCray ow.ly/1POhtD 3 part series on SSIReview


Rereading this one from philCEP. Excellent points >> What data and who will pay for it? ow.ly/1PEw1v

Interesting downside >> “Payment by Results” allows imp. data to remain hidden ow.ly/1PFP1G on NPCthinks

Food 4 thought re: nonprofit sector’s growing reliance on numbers 4 numbers’ sake ow.ly/1PQwQL by cingin on CEP

Nonprofit measurement: how much evidence is enough? ow.ly/1PQS9X on NPCthinks

Nice summary of efforts to date >> Impact Investing Grows Up ow.ly/1PEuNg on SSIReview

A convincing argument >> why impact is more important than ever ow.ly/1PGYJi on NPCthinks


Practical Guide 4 Nonprofit Orgs to Reduce Fraud Risk in the Digital Age ow.ly/1PDeul by billhighway via nten

Important note to founders >> NpQuarterly: Read our lips: there is NO SUCH THING as starting “your own” nonprofit ow.ly/fA3Lo

Nonprofit accountability & ethics: markers of good orgs & trends in standards ow.ly/1PCWWD on npquarterly via GTak

The wave of the future? >> The Rise of Nonprofit Administrative Collaborations ow.ly/1PGZ3C by JeanButzen on SSIReview

So true >> GTak: Trend of pursuing new over building on what works bit.ly/WJiG7e by ThisIsSethsBlog

5 Factors Your Nonprofit Needs to Successfully Carry Out Change ow.ly/1PMq3B by Nedgington


Reachglobal: The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur ow.ly/1PDb5y via GTak

On the money >> 5 predictions for the future of social entrepreneurship ow.ly/1PK2u0 from CSICL via GTak


The Dumbest Idea: Maximizing Shareholder Value (instead of creating best products) ow.ly/1POGpA by SteveDenning

A constructive followup to my previous tweet >> Can the Dumbest Idea Be Saved? ow.ly/1PONxG by SteveDenning


Shucks >> Has “endorsements” moved LinkedIn from credible marketplace to popularity workplace? ow.ly/1PRT4l by Askdebra

Loving the name >> Brandstagram: How brands r creatively using the photo sharing network Instagram ow.ly/1PRr6t by Fundraisinisfun


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