Weekly Roundup: February 10

Here are links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter recently.  This week’s topics include: Jewish & Israel Sectors • NP Strategy • Funding, Budgeting & Impact • Philanthropy • Internet & Social Media • Boards • Op-Eds

As always, you can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



NonProfitBanker: New post >> Future Trends in Israel’s Nonprofit Sector: A Review of the Top Headlines in 2012 ow.ly/1RCQF9

NonProfitBanker: The authors of this eJPhil post on Jewish innovation shouldn’t worry too much about funding ow.ly/1RX3Ao I’m the 3rd comment


Exciting. NAFund is using profitability-impact matrix to improve upon their already gr8 work ow.ly/1RQpQz // can you use it too?

5 Things That an Eventful 2012 Taught Charities ow.ly/1RI8eo on Philanthropy via GTak

10 resolutions to bring your Social Venture to success ow.ly/1RZWcm via GTak


Why Impact Sourcing is easier to implement than Impact Investing (Yes, there is a dif) ow.ly/hnBG4 by DaveBatstone on SSIReview

Bold statement >> Social Impact Investing Will Be the New Venture Capital ow.ly/1RXL4C on HarvardBiz via GTak

You realize how hard measuring impact is only after this article ow.ly/1RS9WT by andrew_zolli on SSIReview

The value of strategic financial leadership ow.ly/1RSGN9 on NAFund // sounds important enough that I might read it again

The funder’s mantra >> Those affected by a problem have to help define the solution ow.ly/1RVECZ from p2173


VERY important >> Philanthropy: Wealthy Young Donors Push Charities to Show Results ow.ly/1RFaeK via GailPerrync

Strategic philanthropy has a new name – Entrepreneurial Philanthropy – & 6 clear steps ow.ly/1RRrEX on SSIReview

A Case Study in Getting Nonprofit Fundraising Right ow.ly/1RSvbJ from nedgington

8 questions to make your philanthropy be more strategic ow.ly/1RHqwx via eJPhil


Thanx Fundraisinisfun I’m a Google+ Communities believer…almost. He makes a great argument ow.ly/1RTVD8

Can’t argue w/ the numbers >> 5 Reasons Why a Nonprofit Should Prioritize the Mobile Web NOW ow.ly/hqK6h by NonprofitOrgs


I’ve seen these ex w/ more than a few of my clients » Ethical Dilemmas connected w/ Nonprofit Boards ow.ly/1RX4dm on eJPhil

What 2 talk about at nonprofit board meetings? (hint: it should only be 1 thing) ow.ly/1S5SEP on npquarterly via GTak


Liberating 990 Data ow.ly/1RSxrL on p2173 // amen to that!

Can the Circular Economy save our planet? (& produce nice revenues too?) blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/01/is_… on HarvardBiz via katyaN4G

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