Weekly Roundup: January 27

Here are links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter recently.  This week’s topics include: Reviews & Predictions • Funding & Finance • Management & Strategy • U.S. Regulations • Jewish & Israel • Internet & Social Media • Food for Thought • Boards

As always, you can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



Too busy to read all the USA nonprofit predictions ? No prob, this link sums em up ow.ly/1QuOPU on NpQuarterly via KateSBarr

The ever insightful Nedgington shares 5 nonprofit trends to watch in 2013 ow.ly/1Qn1KZ

Askdebra lists this year’s best nonprofit tech reports. Provides a few predictions too ow.ly/1QvMvq

Fun >> p2173 scores her previous nonprofit predictions. Not just self-reflective, also a good summary of the sector ow.ly/1QwQmi

Always a gr8 summary >> Top 10 Events in 2012 ow.ly/1QMhGH by Emilychan on The Nonprofit Law Blog

2012 was a record year for “donor advised” charitable gift funds ow.ly/1Rzuvt on WSJ via eJPhil

The year in review, organized by category. Summarized & edited by NpQuarterly LINK


A great back to the basics approach to cutting your budget ow.ly/1QmKaP on NAFund

GTak: Is most efficient charity simply giving $$ 2 poor families w no strings? ow.ly/1QvgPC on TheAtlantic

Applying business model 2 social change: Intro 2 new book “The Real Problem Solvers” ow.ly/1QpmEd on SSIReview

Do too many social entrepreneurs start projects as biz when should be nonprofit? ow.ly/1QvCmp on SSIReview

What 1 Chabad Rabbi Can Teach Synagogues About Money: don’t be afraid to be… ow.ly/1Rsvxy on eJPhil

An oldie but a goodie from Nedgington >> Breaking Free of the Nonprofit Overhead Trap bit.ly/Uys3BK

A good reminder that not all financial plans need to be 365 days long ow.ly/1R6zdl by Steveboland on NAFund

Excellent >> How Small Nonprofit Orgs Can Improve Their Fiscal Health ow.ly/1RebHU on Philanthropy


NonProfitBanker: New Pinterest board: 5 take-aways for nonprofit orgs from my recent trip to the Bronx Zoo ow.ly/1QjXys

VIDEO: Reengineering your vision & when to use data in the process ow.ly/1Q1kn8 from HildyGottlieb

The strategic plan is dead. Long live strategy >> 4 questions for today’s ever changing world ow.ly/1RqMec on SSIReview

What data & how’s it used? WildApricot summarizes NTEN’s “State of Nonprofit Data” report ow.ly/1Q0G3p

VIDEO >> Great takeaways from Melinda Gates’ TED talk: What nonprofit orgs can learn from Coca-Cola on.ted.com/nKw0

In depth look at growing models for your nonprofit >> Demystifying scaling pt 4 ow.ly/1QLqix on @SSIReview


Emilychan: Tips 4 nonprofit orgs on IRS requirements for deducting donations ow.ly/1QMQHz


NonProfitBanker: New MicroPost: Jewish Social Entrepreneurship Will Dissolve as a Distinct Discipline (Or Not) ow.ly/1QwNW3


Kanter talks to UNICEF regarding their recent successful “fake” Pinterest campaign ow.ly/1PZrn3

Fundraisinisfun reviews 4 new online tools Alltop, Thumb, Tout & Pixplit ow.ly/1QwEyR


Foods 4 thought from p2173 re: public money 4 public good (are nonprofit orgs the best solution?) ow.ly/1QzhOO

How foundations’ independence can greatly benefit the nonprofit sector ow.ly/1QDXLf on NPCthinks

The 1st Rule of Corporate Social Responsibility Is Not What You Think ow.ly/1QJdaI on SSIReview

Why the word “Dependency” shouldn’t be taboo with nonprofit orgs (& when it should) ow.ly/1Ra6Ch by PhilCEP

Very interesting study >> Altruistic Capital: Harnessing Your Employees’ Intrinsic Goodwill ow.ly/1RyMWI


Top 7 reasons board candidates choose 1 nonprofit over another, by AliceKorngold ow.ly/1QEpJT via GTak

A shmorgesboard of today’s most important topics >> 10 ways to energize your board ow.ly/1ReFZV from NPMaven


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