Weekly Roundup: May 15

Links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter between May 9 – May 15, 2011.  This week’s topics include:  U.S. Regulations  •  Governance & Strategy  •  Fundraising & Marketing  •  Social Media & Internet  •  Resources

You can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



Think like the IRS >> The Profitable Side of Nonprofit – Pt I: Earned Income http://ow.ly/4PRf2 by Nonprofitlawyer

DonKramer: How much must a nonprofit org disclose? Basic requirements for annual meetings? http://ow.ly/1sTSBs


Why measurement 1st & foremost benefits the nonprofit itself http://ow.ly/1sUdAD via IUPhilanthropy & Nonprofitlawyer

DonKramer: Is it possible to oust a poorly performing nonprofit CEO? http://ow.ly/1sXtXJ // recommend reading the comments

Roundtable envy! >> NAFund: Nonprofit orgs share ideas on engaging young professionals http://ow.ly/1sXDav

Great points >> Pndblog: 3 Tips for Creating a Powerful Nonprofit (on HuffingtonPosthttp://ow.ly/4V0jw

Npquarterly: Are partnerships the new mergers? Exemplary inter-org relationship http://ow.ly/4L4da via GTak

3 statements that can change how your nonprofit organization is governed), by HildyGottlieb http://ow.ly/1sXjmV // rereading for a second time so I don’t get rusty


Well said KatyaN4G! “How to Raise Money for Overhead” http://ow.ly/1sUan4 via eJPhil

Johnhaydon: From Blackbaud 3 Reasons Why Your Participants Aren’t Raising Enough Money http://ow.ly/1cB1pX


3 ways to convince management to get on board with social media http://ow.ly/4PQTr via KatyaN4G

Great resource >> GTak: The Complete Guide to Using Images in Your Blog Posts http://ow.ly/1sSBPe via Zernerlaw

Very true! Derrekengeler: Super easy improvement for your online fundraising http://ow.ly/1sSjff via Jeffbrooks

Franswaa: Increase Fundraising by 40% using Social Media [Study] | http://ow.ly/4UZBo // convincing argument, the article contains a link to the full report


GTak: Valuable #corpgov materials here. HildyGottlieb: New site just for nonprofit boards http://ow.ly/1sTSue

Putting this book on my wish list… KatyaN4G: How to build trust in your organization http://ow.ly/4UZKb











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