Tag Archive for Israel

6 Questions to Help Choose the Right Conduit Organization

"Port for Water Pipe" by ikhlasulamal

…Those Israeli nonprofits that choose the second option of a Conduit (also referred to as an Intermediary or Fiscal Agent) are in luck, as recent years have seen an quasi-explosion in the number of American charities that offer Conduit services. This being the case, foreign organizations have luxury and liberty — and some might argue the responsibility and obligation — to investigate the various Intermediaries so as to choose the best fit for the nonprofit. And, yes, all Conduits are by no means the same.

My six criteria for judging a potential Fiscal Agent: Cost, Currency, Time, Payment Method, Communication and Association.
Recent years have seen an explosion of these types of charities. With so many to choose from, Israeli charities have the luxury of choosing their partner – and they should because all Conduits are not the same. But, of course, the only way to finding the right fit is to ask the important questions, namely: Cost, Currency, Time, Payment Method, Communication and Association.

Defining an Amutah [Israeli Charity]

"Harry" by Thomas Hawk

The Hebrew word amutah, referring to a charity in Israel, is used both correctly and incorrectly to describe just about any nonprofit organization registered in the country. But wait, it get’s more confusing. Not all charities are charities, sometimes they’re companies. And sometimes a charity isn’t tax-exempt while a company might be.

Confused? Don’t worry. In this post I’ll cover the various terms and statuses available to Israeli charities — along with links to government websites — that will help you find the answer to the bottom-line question burning in your mind: Is this organization worthy of my donation?

6 Reasons "Friends of" Orgs Should Bank Abroad

The fiscal requirements of an American charity have become more complicated in recent years. Increased scrutiny from the IRS, more intricate tax documentation, the recent economic crisis, and donors’ need for transparency, are just a few of the challenges facing the sector. When a charity operates internationally these difficulties are only exacerbated. These global organizations are expected to be familiar with regional and global charity regulations, comfortable working in foreign languages and cultures, able to cope with inherent increased expenses, and capable of forging new relationships – all while maintaining a high level of accountability.

A powerful tool in helping a “Friends of” organization cope is an additional account abroad in the country in which it operates. When used to its potential, this kind of account is invaluable.

Weekly Roundup: December 12

Links to the great articles that I have reviewed and posted to Twitter between December 1 – December 12. This week’s Nonprofit topics include: U.S. Tax & Law • Israeli & Jewish Nonprofits • Strategy & Governance • Marketing & Fundraising • Potpourri.

Defining a Chevrah LeTo’elet Hatzibur [Public Benefit Company]

“What do you mean that Israeli charities can be registered as companies?”

That was the question someone asked me last year that that had me thinking to myself, yet again, that charity legal/tax structure is a language onto itself and should require its own Ulpan.

And so, I shall now endeavor to explain the somewhat contradictory concept of a Chevrah LeTo’elet Hatzibur [Public Benefit Company].