Weekly Must-Reads: March 14

A list of the essential articles I posted to Twitter from March 7 – March 13, 2010.  This week’s topics include: Nonprofit Strategy & Governance; Fundraising; Internet & Social Media; Finance & Economy; and Potpourri.

Tizku Lemitzvot,

Shuey (@nonprofitbanker)


Nonprofit Governance & Strategy

Story of how direct, interdisciplinary cooperation increased leverage & sustainability http://ow.ly/1q5L6Q via @eJPhil

Merging NPOs not always the answer. Need to consider wider variety of partnership options, such as… http://ow.ly/1g43y

Reputation Management & Branding: Noise Control, Q & A, Online Reputation, & Pitfalls http://ow.ly/1fin@askdebra blogs from#SphinnCon



Wow! Everything a nonprofit needs to know to set up an SMS campaign system, on@socialbritehttp://ow.ly/1fcg6 via@shoshanak @askdebra

NPTimes: 5 Things NOT to Do in a Capital Campaign http://ow.ly/1grdM

-> @eJPhil: Making the best of cold calls: tips & stategies when reaching out to donors. http://ow.ly/1gYVK

You can’t fundraise alone. A short list of the people who should be involved (by @BTalismanhttp://ow.ly/1gufH

->@eJPhil: When communicating with you donors, realize that they expect more. http://ow.ly/1gW6g


Internet & Social Media

->@socialsignal: Is Twitter the new delicious? Combining social & selfish reasons to share/contribute http://ow.ly/1fbNt via@nptechblogs

Social Media is not killing Email – so what’s excuse for not using Email to its potential? http://ow.ly/1g55W via @eJPhil

RT @CharlieKalech: 5 Ways to Use Google Wave for Business http://ow.ly/1gh0Z // good links too

What is Google Wave & can it benefit your organization? “Google Wave: A Complete Guide” on @mashable http://ow.ly/1gh6v

Great test case how to make social media training work. Contains slide show & links (by@kiramarchhttp://ow.ly/1hsNo

A company that can’t answer yes to these 11 Crucial Questions shouldn’t be tweeting http://ow.ly/1jw1F via @guykawasaki

4square Intros Business Tools. Is it the new CRM? http://ow.ly/1gXEEvia @CharlieKalech @dannysullivan @techmeme // any NPOs using 4square?


Finance & Economy

Israeli banks urge America clients to close Israeli accounts http://ow.ly/1ggpG // article doesn’t mentioned SEC ruling, but trends are true

Speculating against the EURO? Beware, Gov’s are willing to take action against “harmful” investors. http://ow.ly/1frd5

In US, jobless rate held steady in Feb. giving hope that tenuous recovery might be gaining momentum http://ow.ly/1fbj9

Economy returning to normal? 3 separate indicators – unemployment, corporate distress & market volatility – hint yes. http://ow.ly/1fblo



RT @miriamschwab: Send SMS for free in Gmail (& Google Apps). In #Israel send to Orange & Pelephone http://ow.ly/1gU8

$$ donated for disaster relief (9/11, Katrina, Tsunami) remains unspent. How much & why?http://ow.ly/1gr6Y

RT @miriamschwab: New Blog Post: 10 Tips for Writing a Great CV http://ow.ly/16M0NH // @CharlieKalech comment adds some great points

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2 comments for “Weekly Must-Reads: March 14

  1. March 16, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    Nice round up! I like this idea of collection great links from twitter.

    • nonprofitbanker
      March 16, 2010 at 10:58 pm

      Hi Miriam,

      Thanks for the compliment. You’re not just saying that because two of the links were tweeted by you? :)

      Actually, it started as a way for me to organize my tweets better so that I could find links I had previously posted. Making the list public was just the natural progression. I’m glad you’re able to get something from them.

      Thanks again for checking in.


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