Weekly Roundup: December 4

Links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter between November 28 – December 4, 2011.  This week’s topics include:  U.S. Regulations  •  Jewish & Israel  •  Management & Strategy  •  Fundraising

You can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



DonKramer: Is it legal/ethical for former staff to take donor list? ow.ly/1BgdnE


Power of the People: Israel’s social protests hit profit at Supermarket chain, CEO quits ow.ly/1BcGaz

Against the Grain: Why People Shouldn’t Jump to Criticize Jewish Federation’s GPT ow.ly/7O479 on eJPhil

Op-Ed on Jewish innovation as independent sector vs inherent aspect of nonprofit orgs ow.ly/1BsKjP on eJPhil


Semantics or What Defines a Good Manager? “There’s No Such Thing as Constructive Criticism” on HarvardBiz ow.ly/7IFyE

Golden! >> Alicekorngold: Lessons 4 Nonprofit Boards per Penn State + 2nd Mile ow.ly/1Btpe0 by GTak & Emilychan

GTak: Should Philanthropies Operate Like Businesses? Interesting debate on WSJ

How Philanthropy Taught Me to Embrace Failure: A Precondition to Success, by Rmarker ow.ly/1Ba1oT via eJPhil


IndSector & CharityIdeas: How Non-Profits Can Use Mobile Digital Wallets for Fundraising on.mash.to/uFxuSj on Mashable

CharityNav: Donations inch back up after recession decline ht.ly/7IjbZ on USATODAY

4 ways to nurture social enterprise (hint: not from the Gov) ow.ly/7AG2V via SVPMinnesota & ColleenEbinger





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