Author Archive for NonProfitBanker

The Great Balancing Act: Public Offical or Social Innovator

For years we have been witnessing charitable institutions hiring business executives in order to increase fundraising or professionalize the organization. I remember the big news when the President of Columbia University, George Rupp, accepted the presidency of the International Relief Committee in 2002. Some of us alumni were bewildered by the move — leaving the private sector for the public sector, unheard of!?!? However, what seemed like an isolated incident then, was actually indicative of many nonprofit organizations.

But is the reverse true? Are the corporate and public sectors luring away nonprofit executives in the hope of improving their social standing and/or activities?

An Employee's Small Gesture Can Send a Big Message

Fundraising is done at every level of the organization. Every employee that interacts with a donor can impact the constituent’s relationship with the charity. To highlight this point I would like to share a short story that happened to me just a few days ago. I think it illustrates how even small gestures can have large (and negative) consequences.

Last Week's Dollar: Why the Big Jump?

In the past I have written about the US dollars tough battle against a downward spiral. In short, the UnitedState’s dollar is fighting an increasingly gargantuan federal deficit and the prospect of continued low interest rates neither of which bode well for the strength of the dollar.

With that said, what happened last week that caused the dollar to soar against the shekel? Friday, October 23rd, saw the dollar close at 3.6972 while a week later on Friday, October 30th, the dollar closed at 3.7545 a jump of 1.5% in only seven days!

Rate My Nonprofit! Why Online Surveys Aren’t Worth the Click

The sheer number of sites that allow a viewer to rate nonprofits has my mouse trigger happy, my head spinning, and my brain questioning the openness of the internet.

I started this soul searching recently after speaking to a nonprofit founder/CEO about the current (and extended) GreatNonprofits: Jewish Choice Awards 2009 campaign. After the conversation I was left with questions that have led me to believe that these types on online contests are not the best to spread the word about the world’s great charities nor are these polls a fair judge. Allow me to elaborate: