A list of my favorite articles that I posted to Twitter from December 20 – December 26, 2009. Organized by category: Nonprofit Governance & Strategy; Internet, Social Media, Fundraising & Donor Relations; Israel/Jewish Nonprofit Community; and Potpourri.
Tizku LeMitzvot [May you continue to merit doing good deeds],
Nonprofit Governance & Strategy
Study: NPOs are (1) failing to fully tap the pool of potential volunteers & (2) failing to engage them & their know-how. http://ow.ly/OkZ4
Jewish Donor’s Blog: “You Don’t Need to Give a Lot to Make a Difference,” A donation strategy that gets back to the basics http://ow.ly/OnkZ
RT @GuyKawasaki: Why you need to think Small, Simple, and Shared in 2010 by@Chrisbrogan http://om.ly/dOuP // It’s all about K.I.S.S.
Internet, Social Media, Fundraising & Donor Relations
RT @LJacobwith: RT @fundraiserhelp: Four ways to raise more money with your newsletter.http://ow.ly/O0bm #fundraising #nonprofit
RT @davidcorman: Five Best Collaboration Tools http://ow.ly/O9C8 // @CharlieKalech the article also contains links on how to use Google Wave
->@kanter: “What lessons will Pepsi learn about crowdsourcing for social good from the Chase Bank contest failure?” http://ow.ly/ObOy
Open letter to Chase about the two mistakes of their Online Giving Challenge & how to fix them.http://ow.ly/Oll0 via @askdebra @p2173
RT @nptechblogs: ->@care2frogloop: Best Nonprofit Campaigns of 2009 http://ow.ly/P5uX
2 sides of NPO online contests: “The Dark Side of Online Contests” http://ow.ly/P4Bb & “Competition is Good” http://ow.ly/P4A5 via@kanter
Google Case Study: On websites, should the default donation amount be left blank? Food for thought. http://ow.ly/P4I5 via @nonprofitadvice
RT @jewishbloggers: ->@jgooderscom Is Your Website a Good Fundraiser? http://ow.ly/OZxPhttp://ow.ly/OZyM // Some good fundamentals
Israel/Jewish Nonprofit Community
RT @Israel_News: Globes: OECD calls to weaken #Israel Finance Ministry, suggests an independent council like in Sweden. http://ow.ly/ObBr
RT @davidcorman: Meetup & networking groups in Jerusalem: JBNF http://bit.ly/59TLSc ESEI http://bit.ly/5Qqlhj JWP http://bit.ly/5wBtJR
New Jewish Social Venture Incubator. Could this be the best one yet? // RT @ujafedny: The New Jewish Peoplehood Hub http://ow.ly/P4DW
Reuters: As U.S. housing market recovers, a few reasons why we should wait to celebrate. http://ow.ly/Oomn