Weekly Must-Read Links: December 20

A list of my favorite articles that I posted to Twitter from December 13 – December 19, 2009.  Organized by category: Nonprofit Governance; Social Media, Fundraising & Donor Relations; Israel Nonprofit Community; and Potpourri.

Tizku LeMitzvot [May you continue to merit doing good deeds],



Nonprofit Governance

->@pndblog: Would it improve governance if stakeholders had direct say in NPO’s governance in proportion to contributions?http://ow.ly/KMHU

Forward: Does the Madoff scandal demand reforms from NPOs about investment procedures? Have NPOs learned a lesson?http://ow.ly/LpPj

RT @npmaven: RT @PamelaGrow: What would YOU do in your first 100 days as a new director of development?http://ow.ly/Ib7D #nonprofit

The Grinch that Stole Hanukkah”: The Globes offers a seasonal lesson about last year’s Madoff affair http://ow.ly/N3u0

->@Charitynav: Executive Pay at both For/NonProfit Orgs Comes Under Scrutiny.http://ow.ly/MYAR Contains link to NPO CEO Compensation Study

RT @JGooderscom: RT @eJPhil: Studies Show that Nonprofits’ Overall Confidence in Giving Climate is Up Slightlyhttp://bit.ly/6Y2jCL


Social Media, Fundraising & Donor Relations

How the two words “no reply” can destroy a great email pitch. http://ow.ly/NLkR via@Network4Good & FutureFundraisingNow.com

RT @lblumenthal: Five Low-Cost or Free Social Media Monitoring Tools.http://ow.ly/NHBK

Compelling read: Why donors will help one person, not a widespread problem (read pgs 2 & 3) http://ow.ly/NLwMvia@LJacobwith @gaylegifford

Great analysis of what motivates volunteers. RT @npmaven: RT@associationjam: Is it too late to engage the baby boomers? http://ow.ly/LOb8


Israel Nonprofit Community

Great news! #Israel Cabinet approves plan for funding children’s dental care. Only question left, until what age? http://ow.ly/MfM2

Money laundering through NPOs, it still happens. RT @religion_state: Alleged Ponzi scheme ensnares Jewish charities http://ow.ly/Lq9L

RT @eJPhil: “Israel: One of the Biggest Importers of Philanthropic Funding.” New study analyzes place & scope. http://bit.ly/8zSIQ7

RT @inwnews: Arutz Sheva: Knesset C’tee Approves Bill to Merge Non-Profit Orgs. http://ow.ly/Mh6s // Researching to find out more info…



The @fundermentalist interviews Sheldon Adelson, “reports of Adelson’s & his foundation’s demise are greatly exaggerated” http://ow.ly/NJXK

A true & recent chanuka “miracle” story that warms the heart (by @danielgordis). And no, I don’t believe in coincidences.http://ow.ly/LrRm

RT @AlisonRapping: RT @ajlovesya: Mayors Nutter (Philly) & Bloomberg (NYC) settle World Series Bet thru community service http://bit.ly/7KC4rl

->@Haaretzonline: Good summary of some fundamental signs that point to a company that is trembling on the brink.http://ow.ly/MC78

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