Tag Archive for Nonprofit

Is Thinking More Like a Business a Bad Thing?

"Dictionaries in class (2)" by

Donors are using their business tactics and strategy to choose the charities and projects in which they get involved; an increasing trend that has received even more attention since Dan Pollotta’s TED talk.

So I thought it was fortuitous that I was invited to attend a conference for new financial start-ups, essentially a chance to listen to the concerns and foci of investors. After all, donors’ logic dictates that the same tactics should apply to both their for-profit and nonprofit investments.

After listening to the advice offered by the various speakers, I can say that opponents to the changing nonprofit landscape should stop bemoaning the ruining of the charitable sector by the business tactics of today’s “venture philanthropists.” In addition to understanding donors, there is much to be learned from the for-profit sector.

Here are 9 tips offered to businesses at the conference that nonprofits should internalize, as well:

Future Trends in Israel’s Nonprofit Sector: A Review of the Top Headlines in 2012

Newspapers by Shuey Fogel

The headlines in 2012 were all about looking to the future.

While there were some stories with immediate consequences, the effects of most of the headlines will only rear their heads in 2013 (at the earliest). Change in the wind? Yes. On the ground, not so much.

So what’s in store for Israel’s global nonprofit sector? The following are nine of the top news stories of 2012 and their significance:

9 Steps to Recovering from a 30% Deficit

"Hole in the Gound" by OneCog2Many

Two year ago, this female colleague applied for an Executive Director (ED) position at a particular charity knowing that the organization was facing a 500 thousand shekel (approximately $130 thousand) deficit. After about nine months on the job, the nonprofit was back on track and on the road to a surplus for the following year. What was this ED’s technique and how could other nonprofits benefit from her experience?

Weekly Roundup: February 12

I’ve got a lot to catch up on. This post covers: U.S. Regulations • Jewish or Israel • Finance & Fiscal Health • Strategy & Governance • New Year Resolutions • Fundraising & Donor Strategy • Marketing & Branding • Corporate Culture • Social Media & Internet • Personal Development

FONSI: The Changing Role of Money

"Plush California Cotton Bathrobes" by Sunset Inn & Suites Vancouver

Last Monday, February 28th, 2011, I had the privilege and pleasure of presenting a Quickfire (10 minute presentation) at the FONSI (Future of Nonprofit Summit – Israel) Conference in Jaffa, Israel.

In my short session, I attempted to describe how money is changing from an object of secondary importance into a measuring stick and a marketing tool. Furthermore, financials and budgets are now being used proactively to make sure the right message is being conveyed about your nonprofit organization. While the specifics of the sessions are beyond the scope of this piece, I did want to provide those that were at the conference with a link and embed of the PowerPoint presentation that accompanied by speech. (The presentation has been upgraded to clarify some points and include links to the article and tools cited.)