A compilation of the great articles that I read and posted to Twitter between August 23 – August 29, 2010. This week’s categories include: Governance, Strategy & Fundraising; Social Media; Jewish & Israel (Nonprofit) News; and Economy & Finance.
Tizku Lemitzvot,
Governance, Strategy & Fundraising
“IRS Sued for Discrimination of Groups that Don’t Toe BHO Line”
Author: Site Staff
Site: Israel National News
Comments: Huge consequences! IRS sued because it delayed an application to check if group’s view differ from US policy (a trend we have been recently seeing).
Link: http://ow.ly/2uYBR
- “Donor Centered Door-to-Door” The underrated benefits of coordinated door-to-door fundraising. Link: http://ow.ly/2uyjr (via @GailPerrync @sldoolittle)
- “Nonprofits face drop-off in giving, driven by decrease in individual donations, survey finds” Study finds that a decrease in private donations rather than corporate, government, or foundation support is key to surviving the recent economic crash. Link: http://ow.ly/2uyBy (via @BoardSource)
- “Next Steps for Social Innovation Fund: A Call to Action” Interesting analysis on the Social Innovation Fund’s transparency efforts. Link: http://ow.ly/2tFOp
- “Volunteer Program Draw Ire from Police Unions” A community debates volunteers doing the jobs of recently laid-off workers. Link: http://ow.ly/2tG2A (via @npquarterly)
- “Authentic Engagement, Truly” Businesses CAN have a social goal & make money: Druker’s vision of Authentic Engagement. Link: http://ow.ly/2uzEQ (via @LJacobwith@tammyzonker)
- “Teaching Donors Why High Overhead Can be Good” Donors, Please Note: Good programming isn’t free & high overhead can be good. Link: http://ow.ly/2weuo (via @philanthropy)
- “More Fees for Nonprofits in Minnesota” Changing category “tax” to “fee” will now allow local gov’s 2 charge nonprofits. Link: http://ow.ly/2wfmc (via @kenscommentary)
- “Tweets of the Week” by Gene Takagi. A list of great articles from around the web on nonprofit law, regulations, and trends. Link: http://ow.ly/2wqRC
Social Media
“Facebook Marketing: Personal Profile Page vs. Business Page”
Author: Kariann Graff (@KarriannGraf)
Site: KarrianGraf.com
Comments: A very nice overview of the disadvantages to using a Personal Profile Page as the landing page in your Facebook marketing approach.
Link: http://bit.ly/cZHlh7
- “Rounds Finally Brings True Video Chat to Facebook” Finally!! Video chat (and a whole lot more) comes to Facebook. Link: http://bit.ly/aI29Kd (via @HilzFuld)
Jewish & Israel (Nonprofit) News
“The Economic Downturn and the Future of Jewish Communities”
Author: Jonathan D. Sarna
Site: Institute for Jewish Policy Research
Via: Eric Halivni (@ToldotYisrael)
Comments: A poignant read even a year after it is originally published. Prof. Sarna outlines 5 important trends to watch.
Link: http://ow.ly/2wiAv
- “Central bank interest rate stays at 1.75%” Bank of Israel keeps interest at 1.75% because of expansionary monetary policy & uncertain future economic growth. Link: http://ow.ly/2tNB2
Economy & Finance
“Get Used to It: There’s a New Economic Normal in Town”
Author: Guy Rolnik
Site: Haaretz
Comments: Fantastic read! The new economic normal created from towering debt colliding with shrinking population growth.
Link: http://ow.ly/2tPUN
- “Job Interview Arsenal: 20 Questions to Ask (Or Be Ready to Answer!)” Link: http://ow.ly/2uyGY (via @avinash)
- “Debt Fears Slink Back in European Markets” The calm created by the EU’s rescue package this Spring has disappeared. Is the Euro currency set to fall again? Link: http://ow.ly/2v3Ix
- “Fed Ready to Dig Deeper to Aid Growth, Chief Says” Bernanke declared Fed ready to act if economy continues to weaken. Central Bank’s 4 options are: http://ow.ly/2wjC0