Weekly Must-Read Links: January 10

A list of the essential articles that I posted to Twitter from January 3, 2010 – January 9, 2010.  This week’s categories: Nonprofit Strategy & Governance; Internet, Social Media & Fundraising; Israel Economy & Nonprofits; and Potpourri.

Tizku LeMitzvot [May you continue to merit doing good deeds],



Nonprofit Strategy & Governance

Thinking of collaborating with other NPOs? Ask these 8 fundamental questions first, from NPTimes. http://ow.ly/SE1t

“Working with Foundations: Never Take Support for Granted,” & how to react when that support shrinks. http://ow.ly/Tk6m

RT @Network4Good: Despite Weak Economy, Online Giving Strong.http://ow.ly/T8SK // Should these numbers influence fundraising strategy?

Collaboration & consolidation are year’s mega-trends. Some ways they will crop up.http://ow.ly/UCKp via @Philanthropy

Importance of brand (& competition) monitoring. Story of NPO that was “brandjacked” by @stevedrake on@askdebra http://ow.ly/T6v3


Internet, Social Media & Fundraising

RT @socialcitizen RT @kanter: “Last chance to donate” emails have stopped. Why no “First chance to donate in 2010″ emails? // Amen!

RT @kanter: RT @mashable HOW TO: Do Good on Twitter http://bit.ly/TRLb5

4 Fundamentals to help raise more money with your newsletter http://ow.ly/T7aY via@LJacobwith #fundraising #nonprofits

RT @askdebra: “11 Simple Stats You Must Measure On Your Facebook Page”http://ow.ly/T7RP via @HeidiEKMassey@johnhaydon

->@TechSoup: Guide to SMS for Social Change: How mobile tech can promote your NPO. http://ow.ly/TrTp via @nptechblogs

RT @nonprofitorgs: 3 iPhone Apps that Every Nonprofit Needs to Know About.http://ow.ly/TrYa // Don’t own an iPhone, but apps look great.

Can the location-based social network Foursquare help nonprofits? Some NPOs are being super innovative http://ow.ly/TseN

RT @HilzFuld: Are you on Linkedin? Here are “Ten Steps to Maximize your LinkedIn Network” http://is.gd/5RvG2

Increase online donations! // RT@Michael_Hoffman: Optimizing landing pages for fundraising. http://ow.ly/UBCG

How Social Media can help NPOs with donations, volunteers, & spreading the word. http://ow.ly/UBPq via@nptechblogs


Israel Economy & Nonprofits

New blog post: “Rise, Knight of the Nonprofit Round-Table” http://ow.ly/TEu9

Haaretz: Israel kicked off its version of “Cash for Cunkers” this past weekend. http://ow.ly/Sc9A

RT @jtanews: Can tax-deductible donations fund settlement construction? http://ow.ly/THSw // Repercussions aside of donations to Israel

Things are looking up: Fischer to soon raise 2010 Israel’s growth forecast.http://ow.ly/UBAr via @Israel_News



UK Banks Vote to Phase Out Paper Checks—Will the US Follow? http://ow.ly/Se1H

Great analysis: How much pay is “too much” for a bailed-out bank exec (little long but well worth it) http://ow.ly/SbZJ

Awesome! A visual take on how Americans give charity. “Charity: Who Cares?”http://ow.ly/Se8l via @eJPhil

USA consumer, save yourself money! Type a PIN when using debit card instead of signing the receipt. http://ow.ly/T6fd

Doing Charity is Healthy: Giving to others may have direct health benefits to the giver.http://ow.ly/T6Fq

Top reason to smile at a passing stranger: it will increase his or her good samaritan behavior. http://ow.ly/UBx8

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