Weekly Must-Reads: February 14

A list of the essential articles I posted to Twitter from February 7 – 14, 2010.  This week’s topics include:  Nonprofit Strategy & Governance; Social Media & Fundraising; Jewish Nonprofit News & Insights; and Potpourri.

Tizku Lemitzvot, [May you merit to continue doing good deeds]


Nonprofit Strategy & Governance

->@eJPhil: Do nonprofits spend too much time catering to NextGen and not CurrentGen? http://ow.ly/17itZ

Though exempt from 990, Religious NPOs should do independant audits for Transparancy & Good Governance http://ow.ly/14Wgf

Social Media & Fundraising

->@eJPhil: Importance of fundraising strategy vis-a-vis hiring Fundraising Professional or Consultant http://ow.ly/178S8

RT @eJPhil: New Post: Facebook’s Strong Senior Growth http://is.gd/84wpm

RT @lblumenthal: Good examples and insights // 10 Nonprofit Text Alert Campaignshttp://tinyurl.com/ylcjckk via @diosacomm@dsgold

RT @nonprofitorgs: 10 Tips for Managing Social Media Burnout http://nonprofitorgs.wordpress.com/2009/10/22/10-tips-for-managing-social-media-burnout/ // A truly holistic approach

Insightful Talks (Videos) on Social Media from recent TED conferences. http://ow.ly/15FvS via @PresenTense

Wow. Comprehensive. // RT @lblumenthal: 30 Top Objections to Social Media and How to Respond. http://ow.ly/15FGx via @jbhester@NateatFFWD

Jewish Nonprofit News & Insights

->@NYJewishWeek: Will Mobile Giving Take Off In The Jewish World? by @TamarSnyder http://ow.ly/14XUq


“175 orgs are recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS ever day” & other IRS/NPO facts worth knowing http://ow.ly/14YHx

NY Times: U.S. jobless rate falls to 9.7%, giving hope that worst is over. http://ow.ly/14Waz

Guidestar: The New Economic Normal is here to stay (& how nonprofits should react).http://ow.ly/16gWJ

RT @CharityNav: Residents that left NJ cost the state $70 billion in wealth & $2 billion in potential charitable giving http://ow.ly/152K9

Top 50 Donors of 2009: “A Slow Year for Big Gifts Spurs Creativity by Wealthy Donors” on@Philanthropy http://ow.ly/1797z via@askdebra

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