A list of the essential articles that I posted to Twitter from January 17, 2010 – January 23, 2010. This week’s categories: Crisis in Haiti; Nonprofit Governance & Strategy; Internet, Social Media & Fundraising; Israel & Jewish Nonprofits; and Israel Economy & Finance.
Tizku LeMitzvot [May you continue to merit doing good deeds],
Crisis in Haiti
RT @fundermentalist: New post: Where to give for Haitian relief http://twurl.nl/kak4nz
Nonprofit Governance & Strategy
New blog post: “Dear Mr. Foundation, Please Reject My Application.” http://ow.ly/YUFM
->@eJPhil: NPO investment committees want more direction & accountability from investment consultants. http://ow.ly/Xrwt
How an org can conduct a Self-Evaluation on a shoestring budget (Good tools, tip sheet & slides). http://ow.ly/XVoN via @LJacobwith
College president receives %-based bonus of money he raised, sparking controversy http://ow.ly/Z9mF via @Philanthropy // Good incentives?
Internet, Social Media & Fundraising
->@nonprofitorgs: 5 Simple (and Fun) Ways to Promote Nonprofits on FourSquare http://ow.ly/XroS
If it’s the right tool for you…10 Great Tips for Facebook Fan Pages. http://ow.ly/XrBc via@lblumenthal @ppcnyc
Looking to measure ROI from Twitter? 5 great sites to measure your Twitter reach.http://ow.ly/XUMA via @guykawasaki
RT @nptechblogs: ->@socialbrite: 12 steps for compelling Facebook Page by @johnhaydon http://ow.ly/XUQJ // Practical info, not general advice
RT @AlisonRapping: Harvard Study: 30 Key Findings on How The CEO Engages With Social Media. http://ow.ly/XVj0 via @davidcoethica@irenemalin
->@eJPhil: “Reaching Donors in 2010: Old vs. New Ways” & specifically, what’s best for Jewish donors. http://ow.ly/YjO2
RT @johnhaydon: Are Online Vote-for-Me Contests A Good Idea? A guest post on @kanter blog. http://ow.ly/ZagQ // Personally, I’m not in favor
RT @askdebra: The real cost of social media by@dannybrown http://ow.ly/ZMDa // Numbers might vary, but principle is true – it ain’t free
Donations to Israel Foreign Min. for Haiti aid NOT tax-exept. Expert: Why is gov competing with NPOs? http://ow.ly/YUul
Fighting the Handout Culture: What solutions available when 50% of eligibles for free food don’t take? http://ow.ly/ZY9U #Israel
RT @religion_state: -> @eJPhil: Is Start Up Nation Also the Big Lesson for Jewish Nonprofit Sector? by @GaryWexler http://ow.ly/Yu1P
RT @Israel_News: Bank of Israel will raise interest rate to 3.25% by end-year (current rate is 1.25%). http://ow.ly/XrkL
The best test to judge Israel’s economic health: The Beer Index (it slipped into the negative).http://ow.ly/XAqz
RT @Israel_News: Globes: Shekel-dollar exchange rate at 13-month low. Dollar now trading at 3.689. http://ow.ly/Y7zK
Israel Gov Ministries now on Twitter. Answers back almost immediately! http://ow.ly/Yvrt The list: http://ow.ly/YvHq
Israel is poorest of OECD countries (if it joins). 9 recommendations from OECD, incl. cutting child allowances. http://ow.ly/YUz8