A list of great articles from around the web that I posted to Twitter from May 2 – May 15, 2010. This week’s topics include: Strategy & Governance; Social Media & Internet >> Fundraising; Social Media & Internet >> Recreation; Israel; Banking & Economy; and Potpourri.
I didn’t have so much time last week, forcing me to combine 2 weeks worth of links. Man, oh man. I hope you’ve got some time, there are some great articles below. Not to mention some really funny ones, as well. Enjoy them both.
Tizku Lemitzvot,
Shuey (@nonprofitbanker)
Strategy & Governance
Protect your #Nonprofit: 3 critical manuals all NPOs should create http://ow.ly/1JQRl via @NonprofitSRQ @npa_online @PamelaGrow
IRS interim report “Exempt Organizations – Universities Compliance Project” http://ow.ly/1Jdeq – focus on unrelated income & executive comp
4 Reasons Why IRS Interim Report “Exempt Orgs – Universities Compliance Project” is an Important Read http://ow.ly/1JheM
RT @socialcitizen: Is the $5 Donor a Philanthropist? http://ow.ly/1Grmq >> Great question raised. I weighed in, interested in your feedback
Koret CEO Jeff Farber shares: “It’s time #Jewish #philanthropy stop operating like a charity” http://ow.ly/1GN3Z
Well said! >> RT @nptechblogs: With great market share comes great responsibilityhttp://bit.ly/c5QwgE (via @socialsignal)
How to tell if your brand is useless (2 min VIDEO) on @jeffbrooks http://ow.ly/1KJmA // @CharlieKalech reminds me of speech you gave @ GBN
Great resource for boards >> RT @HeidiEKMassey: RT @npmaven: Creating online ‘readings’ handout 4 #nonprofit boards.http://is.gd/c2Lsh
Social Media & Internet >> Fundraising
Dan Brown of @eJPhil gives highlights from 2010 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study.http://bit.ly/94DYxy >> important numbers for email campaigns
NPTimes: Charity apps combine education & fun & translate into $ w/o limits of text-2-give-campaigns http://ow.ly/1GNor
To Mama With Love: Social Network Fundraising succeeding in Engagement & Conversation, by @askdebra http://bit.ly/cqNwuz via @shoshanak
Social Media is NOT about jumping on the bandwagon >> 10 Trends in SUSTAINABLE Social Media, by @askdebra http://ow.ly/1Lxm8 via @lblumenthal
Crucial Message! >> RT @PaulDunay: Social media is not a campaign: It’s your customerhttp://ff.im/-k6khS by @travismurdock
RT @nonprofitorgs & @askdebra How@EnvDefenseFund created its social media guidelines, by @kiramarch http://is.gd/c4D6v
RT @PaulDunay: 7 Things Your Organization/Company Must Do Because Of Social Media, by @augieray http://ff.im/-kif9L
Holy smart-bomb Batman! US Airforce has awesome Social Media Response Plan flowchart! http://ow.ly/1JQiP via @nptechblogs @wildapricot
It’s all about making it personal! >> RT@askdebra @bfholmes: NGO thinks outside-the-box to give homeless a voice (VIDEO) http://ow.ly/1Jidw
Social Media & Internet >> Recreation
RT @GuyKawasaki: How to make your Facebook profile more private [2 min VIDEO]http://is.gd/c8eNj // Facebook privacy settings are in 5 dif places!
RT @HilzFuld @Minervity: Top 5 Social Blogging Tools http://su.pr/2QpKQd by @RuhaniRabin
RT @askdebra: Very interesting – FB backlash. Diaspora: an antidote 2 FB? Http://bit.ly/aoubb0 via @pampelmoose
RT @lblumenthal: 8 kinds of websites we need to stop building, by @oatmeal http://ow.ly/1KQj7 // Funny. Hard 2 agree w #6, need of more secure FB
RT @mayerreich: This is funny and why I hate Facebook. http://bit.ly/dbSyHs // Facebook intrudes just a tad, doesn’t it
Are social networks hurting or helping children develop emotionally/socially? http://ow.ly/1GnIg via @power2b @dovemerson @rabbigreen
RT @GuyKawasaki: “How do I delete my Facebook” query growing http://is.gd/c4Iif
RT @inwnews: Globes: CITI mulls retail banking in #Israel http://ow.ly/1GnlC >> more competition & lower fees? I hope so
RT @ISRAEL21C: OECD accepts Israel as member http://su.pr/2Joo35 #Israel#economy #business
RT @Israel_News: Euro drops sharply vs Shekel as IMF judged EU’s emergency fund as a temp solution. http://ow.ly/1Js4A
Banking & Economy
The New Poor: Even w/ rebounding economy, many jobs – tnx to tech advances – won’t be coming back ever http://s.nyt.com/u/wuwm
US Crisis Panel to probe how big banks routinely – and legally – fudge their quarterly books. http://ow.ly/1Hb8q
US Treasury Sec urged Congress 2 impose 10-yr $90 billion bank-tax 2 recoup 2008 bailout-costs http://ow.ly/1Hbbr
As stimulus $ dwindles down, expect States to make deep cuts http://ow.ly/1IQwd via @NAFund @PANONonprofit @robertegger
RT @askdebra: Social media and the banking industry, by @davidfinch http://is.gd/c6YkI // Essential services made easier, free advice & more
Thanks for the referral Debra >> RT @askdebra: Mobile banking set to soar, courtesy of @emarketer http://is.gd/c5ZPJ
RT @Neil_Hamburger: Another “world’s oldest person” died today. Clearly, a dangerous competition that should be stopped. http://ow.ly/1GUIC