Weekly Roundup: June 19

Links to the articles I’ve reviewed and posted to Twitter between June 6 – June 19, 2011.  This week’s topics include:  U.S. Regulations  •  Jewish & Israeli Sector  •  Governance & Strategy  •  Fundraising & Marketing  •  Donors’ Strategy  •  Social Media & Internet

As last Sunday saw me preparing like mad for my presentation at the Kishor Conference,  this week is a double Weekly Roundup.

You can stay up-to-date with these articles and more by following me on Twitter or subscribing to receive The Nonprofit Banker by email.

Tizku Lemitzvot,



Study Shows How Changes to the Tax Code Could Affect Giving http://ow.ly/1tyKQl via eJPhil // only time will tell how this affects policy

PatrickSternal: Cat Lady Beats IRS http://t.co/dpJ337n // shows importance of receipts & gift acknowledgments


Excellent analysis on the Jewish Innovation Sector, by Bobgoldfarb http://ow.ly/5iCHr on eJPhil


Excellent points about board service I’m general (legal stuff only for USA) from Nonprofitlawyer http://ow.ly/5aNsY

Food for thought >> Tactphil: An Interview Approach to Charity Rating http://ow.ly/1tCu4G more on Charting Impact

Stonewalling in a crisis is risky business for a nonprofit http://ow.ly/1tKbAJ

This should probably affect how one should structure a nonprofit >> KatyaN4G: Seth’s Blog: Organization vs Movement vs Philosophy http://ow.ly/1tUZnV

CauseWire: How Charities Can Recruit & Keep Volunteers http://ow.ly/1tV09Y


Here’s why proper donor research is so important in eJPhil http://ow.ly/1txaOL

5 reasons why this summer (and anytime for that matter) is a great time to start a Giving Circle http://ow.ly/5aSdz

What your wealthiest donors aren’t telling you: 9 Secrets to High Net Worth Donors, by GailPerrync http://ow.ly/5eceP

By recognizing a donor’s contribution we are also inviting others to participate http://ow.ly/1tIndu on eJPhil

NpTechblogs: 4 Global-Oriented Tips on Using Social Media http://ow.ly/1tLNAG via ReedStockman

FundraisingNews: What’s missing from your elevator pitch? http://ow.ly/1tV0wD


Food for thought: Why we should expect good giving to be hard http://ow.ly/5iGsx via Mayanorton // but should it be?

Does our word usage make those that receive our charity inferior? http://ow.ly/1tJJpk on eJPhil


10 Common Mistakes Made by Nonprofits on Social Media, by Nonprofitorgs http://ow.ly/5dukp

Gr8 points by Askdebra why nonprofit organizations should get more personal in social media http://ow.ly/1tJNh6

NpQuarterly: Charity walks are expensive enough that some wonder if it’s worth it http://ow.ly/5gtWV // great discussion in the comments!

Reuw: 7 stupid mistakes teachers make with technology http://ow.ly/5iDJN // applicable to offices & homes the world over!

Enjoying watching Slideshare presentation by DaveKerpen: How to Make Your Org More “Likeable” http://ow.ly/5iGRx

Don’t get your org’s Twitter account terminated! RT Johnhaydon: RT Mintblogger A Handy Guide To Twitter Automation http://ow.ly/1ddFIs

This 1 is pure fun (& slightly educational) >> 3 Social Media Marketing Lessons from Comedians http://ow.ly/5lhDj via CharlieKalech


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