A list of great articles I’ve read and posted to Twitter between May 23 – June 5, 2010. This week’s topics include: I.R.S.; Sector Trends; Social Media & Internet; Finance & Economy; and Potpourri.
While it has been two weeks since my last Must-Read, don’t worry about overload. Between my daughter running into a door and needing stitches and my internet being on the fritz for four days, its been a slow couple of weeks. Well, here’s hoping for a better week that last…
Tizku Lemitzvot,
New online tax form for small US charities: Good. IRS deadline-extension of new form: Bad.http://ow.ly/1ODte via @philanthropy
The misleading reality created by the IRS 990 & 2 ways to change it (Harvard Business Review)http://ow.ly/1SGhi via @bethsteinberg
Which lines in IRS 990 give snapshot of org’s financial health? http://ow.ly/1SFDt via@NAFund @FollowMCF // G8 resources 4 NPOs/Foundations
Dangerous assumptions of volunteerism by US Gov’ harm volunteers & paid staff of #nonprofitsector http://ow.ly/1Ti4V via @NonprofitSRQ
Sector Trends
Study shows widespread innovation among NPOs & efforts to measure programs effectiveness, on @eJPhil http://ow.ly/1STDm
RT @Philanthropy: British charities are getting hurt by a real-estate slump:
Social Media & Internet
RT @avinashkaushik: [For Bloggers, Twitterers] 5 Ways To Manage Your Critics http://zqi.me/d5oFu6 >> Great advice 4 online & offline critics
Cute (& true) >> RT @bkmacdaddy: Everything You Need to Know About Social Media You Should Have Learned in Pre-school http://bit.ly/cLvHz0
RT @nptechblogs: Six tips for managing an international workforce, on @wiserearthhttp://bit.ly/aVAZyg // Crucial for NPOs operating abroad
RT @GuyKawasaki: 7 tools to back up your social media content http://ow.ly/1Tige
Finance & Economy
Bank of Israel Governor: #Israel dodged property bubble when government intervened in mortgage sector http://ow.ly/1TETK
#Israel Banks using new rules as excuse to raise mortgage rates http://ow.ly/1RXAs
Good summary of influences on the Shekel with predictions for the future. http://ow.ly/1TfrF#israel #currency
4 accurate ways to quantify the state of jitters in financial markets. http://ow.ly/1RXJ8 // Interesting, fear is quantifable
RT @davidcorman: Headline of the day: Woman Follows Google Maps “Walking” Directions, Gets Hit, Sues http://selnd.com/92ipOH